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FLIS Fashion Law Program
FLIS Fashion Law Program
FLIS Fashion Law Program
FLIS Fashion Law Program

We train the future legal leaders and planners in the fashion business

FLIS ® International 

Fashion Law Program

Online - face-to-face

Program description

It is a program concentrating on the fashion industry. It is a transverse, original and functional training that provides a real, close understanding of the business of fashion, to develop genuine connoisseurs of the law and better so the fashion industry, who contribute solutions and strategies to the sector.

Profesional Applicant

Training for leaders, visionaries, professionals who know what they want and who seek to distinguish themselves in the competitive professional world.


  • Law professionals


The primary aim is to understand the fashion business and its key challenges. We use a practical method that allows the student to take the modules of the program according to their interests and practical use in the labor market.

The training takes place like a tailor-made suit for the student.

As it is a specialized training, and to optimize the training resources and adding value to our educational function, we have developed a special and innovative study program, adapted to the new times and the needs of the market. Therefore, the program teaches according our conception of fashion law and the approaches of the fashion industry.

FLIS® International Fashion Law Program

Professional level


Duration: 500 Hours.

One academic year

Modality: Online / face-to-face


Tuition: 5,800, euros

online mode


Tuition: 9,800, euros

Face-to-face modality


Spanish Language


Next call


September 2021

Fashion Law and business

Fashion Law and business

To know and apply business and legal strategies that lead to success in the fashion industry.

Get professional transversal skills

Get professional transversal skills

Knowing the complexity of the fashion world and offering specialized advice on the range of legal and commercial issues that interest the sector.

Train forward-thinking lawyers

Train forward-thinking lawyers

To know the different contracts applicable to the fashion industry and to foresee and protect the customer from failures in the production chain

To know the identity of the brands and their legal protection

To know the identity of the brands and their legal protection

Lead to improve fashion industry accustomed to a specialized lawyer. A legal strategist for the business.

The internationalization as a factor of diversification and growth

The internationalization as a factor of diversification and growth

Our goal is to train professionals with an international vision in the fashion industry


Career Opportunities

fashion distribution and logistics

fashion distribution and logistics

Fashion Law career opportunities

Fashion marketing and advertising

Fashion marketing and advertising

Fashion Law career opportunities

Textile companies

Textile companies

Fashion Law career opportunities

Fashion business start-ups

Fashion business start-ups

Fashion Law career opportunities

Law Firms

Law Firms

Fashion Law career opportunities

Fashion event producers

Fashion event producers

Fashion Law career opportunities

Retail companies

Retail companies

Fashion Law career opportunities

Fashion magazines

Fashion magazines

Fashion Law career opportunities

Fashion Houses or independent consultant

Fashion Houses or independent consultant

Fashion Law career opportunities


The teaching staff is of vital importance in all training activities. For this reason, our teachers are specialists in their field, with a solid preparation, dialectic ability and ease of transmission. They are active professionals in their field of teaching, with diverse profiles that help the student get an integral vision of the subjects of study. 


FLIS® is committed with students that staff are teachers with a passion for teaching, vocation and values.

Reasons to study in the FLIS® Fashion Law School


Specialize in an exclusive professional field


Integral formation


Connection and networking in international fashion law.


FLIS® is an international reference institution in fashion law


global approach


Direct contact with the world of fashion and the best professionals


FLIS® is a different school


Practical and up-to-date program and method


Internships in companies in the sector

FLIS escuela de derecho de la moda

¿Qué te aportará el programa FLIS® en Derecho de la Moda?_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

  • Comprehensive vision of the fashion business;

  • Know the different contracts that apply en the fashion industry;

  • It will provide you with knowledge about the business management of fashion companies;

  • Closeness to the world of fashion; 

  • Contacts from the world of fashion;

  • Being a pioneer in a professional field in full expansion;

  • Develop the leadership qualities to direct work teams;

  • Training as a fashion business legal strategist;

  • Boost your professional career.


Paseo de la Castellana, 40,

8th floor, Madrid, 28006.

Tlf: 34-910568636

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