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Fashion Law Institute Spain

is the first global Fashion Law ecosystem 

¿Qué es el Derecho de la Moda o Fashion Law?
About us


We are the first Spanish institute focused on fashion law. Established in Madrid in 2016. The focal spot to our work is on the legal side of the fashion industry and its players.

We are...
Boutique school of Fashion Law.
A global professional community and education centres of the fashion law. 
Publishers of the magazine FLIS® Fashion and Law today´s.
A platform to support of Spanish and foreign fashion designers


"FLIS®: Is the Spanish center of exclusive professional education in Fashion Law”.

  • Exchange of ideas;

  • Build synergy;

  • Do a coherent work to build brand identity and values;

  • Working with innovative people become more competitive.

FLIS® Fashion Law Institute Spain

 ¿What is the Fashion Law?

Logo del Fashion Law Institute Spain mostrando las siglas 'FLIS' en letras grandes con la silueta dorada de un maniquí de moda sosteniendo una balanza de justicia sobre fondo negro, representando la fusión del derecho y la moda, seguido de 'SPAIN' en tipografía elegante.
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Logo circular de la bandera de España, compuesta por franjas rojas en la parte superior e inferior y una franja amarilla central más ancha, adornada con el escudo nacional de España a la izquierda, sobre fondo negro, representando la sede del Fashion Law Institute Spain.


Alcalá 54 th street, 4th floor, left.

Madrid, Spain, 28014.

Telephone: 34 - 682621227

Contact FLIS®

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